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Component Instance


This page documents the built-in properties and methods exposed on the component public instance, i.e. this.

All properties listed on this page are readonly (except nested properties in $data).


The object returned from the data option, made reactive by the component. The component instance proxies access to the properties on its data object.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $data: object


An object representing the component's current, resolved props.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $props: object
  • Details

    Only props declared via the props option will be included. The component instance proxies access to the properties on its props object.


The root DOM node that the component instance is managing.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $el: Node | undefined
  • Details

    $el will be undefined until the component is mounted.

    • For components with a single root element, $el will point to that element.
    • For components with text root, $el will point to the text node.
    • For components with multiple root nodes, $el will be the placeholder DOM node that Kdu uses to keep track of the component's position in the DOM (a text node, or a comment node in SSR hydration mode).


    For consistency, its is recommended to use template refs for direct access to elements instead of relying on $el.


The resolved component options used for instantiating the current component instance.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $options: ComponentOptions
  • Details

    The $options object exposes the resolved options for the current component and is the merge result of these possible sources:

    • Global mixins
    • Component extends base
    • Component mixins

    It is typically used to support custom component options:

    const app = createApp({
      customOption: 'foo',
      created() {
        console.log(this.$options.customOption) // => 'foo'
  • See also: app.config.optionMergeStrategies


The parent instance, if the current instance has one. It will be null for the root instance itself.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $parent: ComponentPublicInstance | null


The root component instance of the current component tree. If the current instance has no parents this value will be itself.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $root: ComponentPublicInstance


An object representing the slots passed by the parent component.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $slots: { [name: string]: Slot }
    type Slot = (...args: any[]) => KNode[]
  • Details

    Typically used when manually authoring render functions, but can also be used to detect whether a slot is present.

    Each slot is exposed on this.$slots as a function that returns an array of knodes under the key corresponding to that slot's name. The default slot is exposed as this.$slots.default.

    If a slot is a scoped slot, arguments passed to the slot functions are available to the slot as its slot props.

  • See also: Render Functions - Rendering Slots


An object of DOM elements and component instances, registered via template refs.


An object that contains the component's fallthrough attributes.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $attrs: object
  • Details

    Fallthrough Attributes are attributes and event handlers passed by the parent component, but not declared as a prop or a emitted event by the child.

    By default, everything in $attrs will be automatically inherited on the component's root element if there is only a single root element. This behavior is disabled if the component has multiple root nodes, and can be explicitly disabled with the inheritAttrs option.

  • See also:


Imperative API for creating watchers.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
        source: string | (() => any),
        callback: WatchCallback,
        options?: WatchOptions
      ): StopHandle
    type WatchCallback<T> = (
      value: T,
      oldValue: T,
      onCleanup: (cleanupFn: () => void) => void
    ) => void
    interface WatchOptions {
      immediate?: boolean // default: false
      deep?: boolean // default: false
      flush?: 'pre' | 'post' | 'sync' // default: 'pre'
      onTrack?: (event: DebuggerEvent) => void
      onTrigger?: (event: DebuggerEvent) => void
    type StopHandle = () => void
  • Details

    The first argument is the watch source. It can be a component property name string, a simple dot-delimited path string, or a getter function.

    The second argument is the callback function. The callback receives the new value and the old value of the watched source.

    • immediate: trigger the callback immediately on watcher creation. Old value will be undefined on the first call.
    • deep: force deep traversal of the source if it is an object, so that the callback fires on deep mutations. See Deep Watchers.
    • flush: adjust the callback's flush timing. See Callback Flush Timing.
    • onTrack / onTrigger: debug the watcher's dependencies. See Watcher Debugging.
  • Example

    Watch a property name:

    this.$watch('a', (newVal, oldVal) => {})

    Watch a dot-delimited path:

    this.$watch('a.b', (newVal, oldVal) => {})

    Using getter for more complex expressions:

      // every time the expression `this.a + this.b` yields
      // a different result, the handler will be called.
      // It's as if we were watching a computed property
      // without defining the computed property itself.
      () => this.a + this.b,
      (newVal, oldVal) => {}

    Stopping the watcher:

    const unwatch = this.$watch('a', cb)
    // later...
  • See also:


Trigger a custom event on the current instance. Any additional arguments will be passed into the listener's callback function.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): void
  • Example

    export default {
      created() {
        // only event
        // with additional arguments
        this.$emit('bar', 1, 2, 3)
  • See also:


Force the component instance to re-render.

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $forceUpdate(): void
  • Details

    This should be rarely needed given Kdu's fully automatic reactivity system. The only cases where you may need it is when you have explicitly created non-reactive component state using advanced reactivity APIs.


Instance-bound version of the global nextTick().

  • Type

    interface ComponentPublicInstance {
      $nextTick(callback?: (this: ComponentPublicInstance) => void): Promise<void>
  • Details

    The only difference from the global version of nextTick() is that the callback passed to this.$nextTick() will have its this context bound to the current component instance.

  • See also: nextTick()

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