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Render Function APIs


Creates virtual DOM nodes.

  • Type

    // full signature
    function h(
      type: string | Component,
      props?: object | null,
      children?: Children | Slot | Slots
    ): KNode
    // omitting props
    function h(type: string | Component, children?: Children | Slot): KNode
    type Children = string | number | boolean | KNode | null | Children[]
    type Slot = () => Children
    type Slots = { [name: string]: Slot }

    Types are simplified for readability.

  • Details

    The first argument can either be a string (for native elements) or a Kdu component definition. The second argument is the props to be passed, and the third argument is the children.

    When creating a component knode, the children must be passed as slot functions. A single slot function can be passed if the component expects only the default slot. Otherwise, the slots must be passed as an object of slot functions.

    For convenience, the props argument can be omitted when the children is not a slots object.

  • Example

    Creating native elements:

    import { h } from 'kdu'
    // all arguments except the type are optional
    h('div', { id: 'foo' })
    // both attributes and properties can be used in props
    // Kdu automatically picks the right way to assign it
    h('div', { class: 'bar', innerHTML: 'hello' })
    // class and style have the same object / array
    // value support like in templates
    h('div', { class: [foo, { bar }], style: { color: 'red' } })
    // event listeners should be passed as onXxx
    h('div', { onClick: () => {} })
    // children can be a string
    h('div', { id: 'foo' }, 'hello')
    // props can be omitted when there are no props
    h('div', 'hello')
    h('div', [h('span', 'hello')])
    // children array can contain mixed knodes and strings
    h('div', ['hello', h('span', 'hello')])

    Creating components:

    import Foo from './Foo.kdu'
    // passing props
    h(Foo, {
      // equivalent of some-prop="hello"
      someProp: 'hello',
      // equivalent of @update="() => {}"
      onUpdate: () => {}
    // passing single default slot
    h(Foo, () => 'default slot')
    // passing named slots
    // notice the `null` is required to avoid
    // slots object being treated as props
    h(MyComponent, null, {
      default: () => 'default slot',
      foo: () => h('div', 'foo'),
      bar: () => [h('span', 'one'), h('span', 'two')]
  • See also: Guide - Render Functions - Creating KNodes


Merge multiple props objects with special handling for certain props.

  • Type

    function mergeProps(...args: object[]): object
  • Details

    mergeProps() supports merging multiple props objects with special handling for the following props:

    • class
    • style
    • onXxx event listeners - multiple listeners with the same name will be merged into an array.

    If you do not need the merge behavior and want simple overwrites, native object spread can be used instead.

  • Example

    import { mergeProps } from 'kdu'
    const one = {
      class: 'foo',
      onClick: handlerA
    const two = {
      class: { bar: true },
      onClick: handlerB
    const merged = mergeProps(one, two)
       class: 'foo bar',
       onClick: [handlerA, handlerB]


Clones a knode.

  • Type

    function cloneKNode(knode: KNode, extraProps?: object): KNode
  • Details

    Returns a cloned knode, optionally with extra props to merge with the original.

    Knodes should be considered immutable once created, and you should not mutate the props of an existing knode. Instead, clone it with different / extra props.

    Knodes have special internal properties, so cloning them is not as simple as an object spread. cloneKNode() handles most of the internal logic.

  • Example

    import { h, cloneKNode } from 'kdu'
    const original = h('div')
    const cloned = cloneKNode(original, { id: 'foo' })


Checks if a value is a knode.

  • Type

    function isKNode(value: unknown): boolean


For manually resolving a registered component by name.

  • Type

    function resolveComponent(name: string): Component | string
  • Details

    Note: you do not need this if you can import the component directly.

    resolveComponent() must be called inside either setup() or the render function in order to resolve from the correct component context.

    If the component is not found, a runtime warning will be emitted, and the name string is returned.

  • Example

    const { h, resolveComponent } = Kdu
    export default {
      setup() {
        const ButtonCounter = resolveComponent('ButtonCounter')
        return () => {
          return h(ButtonCounter)
    const { h, resolveComponent } = Kdu
    export default {
      render() {
        const ButtonCounter = resolveComponent('ButtonCounter')
        return h(ButtonCounter)
  • See also: Guide - Render Functions - Components


For manually resolving a registered directive by name.

  • Type

    function resolveDirective(name: string): Directive | undefined
  • Details

    Note: you do not need this if you can import the component directly.

    resolveDirective() must be called inside either setup() or the render function in order to resolve from the correct component context.

    If the directive is not found, a runtime warning will be emitted, and the function returns undefined.

  • See also: Guide - Render Functions - Custom Directives


For adding custom directives to knodes.

  • Type

    function withDirectives(
      knode: KNode,
      directives: DirectiveArguments
    ): KNode
    // [Directive, value, argument, modifiers]
    type DirectiveArguments = Array<
      | [Directive]
      | [Directive, any]
      | [Directive, any, string]
      | [Directive, any, string, DirectiveModifiers]
  • Details

    Wraps an existing knode with custom directives. The second argument is an array of custom directives. Each custom directive is also represented as an array in the form of [Directive, value, argument, modifiers]. Tailing elements of the array can be omitted if not needed.

  • Example

    import { h, withDirectives } from 'kdu'
    // a custom directive
    const pin = {
      mounted() {
        /* ... */
      updated() {
        /* ... */
    // <div k-pin:top.animate="200"></div>
    const knode = withDirectives(h('div'), [
      [pin, 200, 'top', { animate: true }]
  • See also: Guide - Render Functions - Custom Directives


For adding built-in k-on modifiers to an event handler function.

  • Type

    function withModifiers(fn: Function, modifiers: string[]): Function
  • Example

    import { h, withModifiers } from 'kdu'
    const knode = h('button', {
      // equivalent of k-on.stop.prevent
      onClick: withModifiers(() => {
        // ...
      }, ['stop', 'prevent'])
  • See also: Guide - Render Functions - Event Modifiers

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